UK Supreme Court reflects on its three year Change Programme

As the Change Programme formally closes, the Court reflects on its achievements

Three years ago, the Supreme Court embarked on a Change Programme aimed at improving the way our users interact with us by creating a new Case Management Portal, two new websites, and streamlining ways of working.

The websites, one for the JCPC and one for the Supreme Court provide more information for Court users and the public in a way that is much easier to access. We hope that this will also increase public awareness of the Court and its role. The case management portal offers a modern, customer-centric system, and means users can file court documents digitally and track the progress of their case at their own convenience.

Putting users at the heart of everything has been our goal throughout our 3-year Change Programme. The websites and the Portal weren’t just designed for our users – they were largely designed by them. We worked with lawyers, litigants in person, and members of the public throughout every stage: from design to testing the system as it was built. And we will continue to involve our users through listening and responding to feedback about the new websites and portal, continuously improving what we do.

We’ve delivered a 3-year change programme on time and in budget. We’ve done this by a relentless focus on our vision to be a world leading Court that serves the public and litigants in an open and accessible way. Commitment to that vision means we've made a real transformation in the way that we work, putting Court users and the public at the heart of what we do. None of this would have been possible without the input from our users, the dedication and hard work of my colleagues and our brilliant partners throughout the programme: Cap Gemini and Q5. As a result of this change programme, the Court provides a transparent, efficient and inclusive service, that we hope will benefit everyone that interacts with the Court and enhance the reputation of the UK as a global centre of legal excellence.

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