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Permission to Appeal

Permission to Appeal - April 2024

Permission to Appeal - April 2024
Case Name Justices PTA Reasons given
JCPC 2024/0013
The Environmental Management Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (Respondent) v Wild Goose Ltd (Appellant) (Trinidad and Tobago)
Neutral citation: Civil Appeal No. P133 of 2021
Lord Lloyd-Jones
Lord Sales
Lord Stephens
PTA refused
26 April 2024
Permission to appeal is refused because there is no arguable point of law and no point of law of general public importance.
In the following cases, the advice which the Board has given to His Majesty is as indicated below
JCPC 2024/0005
Kattina Anglin (Appellant) v Governor of the Cayman Islands (Respondent) (Cayman Islands)
Neutral Citations: CICA (Civil) Appeal No. 6 of 2022
Lord Reed
Lord Leggatt
Lord Richards
PTA granted
2 May 2024
JCPC 2024/0011
Timothy Sinclair Green KC (Respondent) v Paul Anthony Bell and another (Appellants) (Isle of Man)
Neutral Citations: 2DS 2023/16
Lord Reed
Lord Leggatt
Lord Richards
PTA refused
2 May 2024
Permission to appeal is refused on the ground that the appeal does not raise an arguable point of law or a point of law of general public importance.
JCPC 2023/0057
Snively Junior Barrett (Appellant) v Heron Dale and 3 others (Respondents) (Jamaica)
Neutral Citations: SUPREME COURT CIVIL APPEAL NO 7 of 2016
Lord Reed
Lord Leggatt
Lord Richards
PTA refused
2 May 2024
Permission to appeal is refused on the ground that the appeal is devoid merit
JCPC 2024/0008
The Central Planning Authority (Appellant) v The National Conservation Council and another
Neutral Citations: CICA (Civil) Appeal No. 22 and 25 of 2022
Lord Briggs
Lord Burrows
Lady Simler
PTA refused
30 April 2024
Permission to appeal is refused because Grounds 1 and 2 raise no arguable point of law, Grounds 3 to 5 therefore fall away. In any event this is not an appeal which should be considered at this time