
Ennismore Consulting Ltd (Respondent) v Fenris Consulting Ltd (Appellant) (Cayman Islands)

Judgment given

Case summary

Case ID



Cayman Islands



Fenris Consulting Ltd


Ennismore Consulting Ltd


Did the Court of Appeal of the Cayman Islands err in respect of (i) the basis on which it calculated the damages payable to Fenris and (ii) its decision that the period of loss ended at the first instance judgment in 2012, rather than in May 2016.


Ennismore is an investment manager of a number of funds. Ennismore engaged Mr Vigeland for consultancy services from June 2004 to 2009 through Fenris, a consultancy company, pursuant to a consultancy services agreement signed by Fenris (the CSA). The CSA was terminated by Ennismore in February 2009. In 2006, the parties had also agreed terms under which Ennismore could claw back amounts in respect of bonuses paid to Fenris in certain circumstances (the Clawback Agreement). Following termination of the CSA, Ennismore sought to exercise rights under the Clawback Agreement, which Fenris disputed. In February 2009, Ennismore obtained a freezing over assets of approximately £2.3 million in support of its claim. Ennismore’s claim succeeded at first instance, but was overturned on appeal to the JCPC, upon which an inquiry into damages followed. At first instance, the judge accepted Fenris’ contention that but for the freezing order, it would have invested the sums in funds similar to the funds managed by Ennismore. The judge awarded Fenris damages of c. €5.35 million. Ennismore appealed to the Court of Appeal, who set aside the judge’s decision and substituted it with an award of €558,034.89 in damages. Fenris now appeals to the JCPC.

Date of issue

12 October 2020

Judgment details

Judgment date

27 June 2022

Neutral citation

[2022] UKPC 27



Hearing dates

Start date

27 January 2022

End date

27 January 2022

Watch hearings

27 January 2022 - Morning session

Change log

Last updated 9 May 2024

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