Chu (Respondent) v Lau (Appellant) (British Virgin Islands)
Case summary
Case ID
British Virgin Islands
Lau Wing Yan
Chu Kong
Whether the Court of Appeal of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court (CA) erred in overturning the first-instance judge’s finding of fact that Ocean Sino Ltd (OSL) was deadlocked and in making the consequent order that it be wound up on the just and equitable ground; and Whether the CA erred in ordering that Mr Lau pay certain of Mr Chu’s costs of first instance and on appeal.
Mr Lau and Mr Chu are equal shareholders and the sole directors of OSL, a holding company for two other corporate entities relevant to this case. The first, a wholly-owned subsidiary of OSL, loaned moneys to the second, but Mr Lau sought return of the moneys when the second company did not use them for the purpose intended. Mr Chu did not agree that the moneys should be returned. Over time, the relationship between the two deteriorated and eventually Mr Lau sought that OSL be wound up on the just and equitable ground. Mr Chu resisted the petition.
Date of issue
23 March 2020
Judgment details
Judgment date
12 October 2020
Neutral citation
[2020] UKPC 24
Judgment links
Hearing dates
Full hearing
Start date
29 July 2020
End date
30 July 2020
Watch hearings
29 July 2020 - Morning session
29 July 2020 - Afternoon session
30 July 2020 - Morning session
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Last updated 9 May 2024