GibFibre Ltd (trading as GibFibre Speed) (Respondent) v Gibraltar Regulatory Authority (Appellant) (Gibraltar)
Case summary
Case ID
Gibraltar Regulatory Authority
GibFibre Ltd (trading as GibFibre Speed)
Does Article 5 of Directive 2002/19/EC (the Access Directive) give the Gibraltar Regulatory Authority the power to require Gibtelecom Ltd to allow GibFibre Ltd access to its data centre?
Gibtelecom Ltd is a telecommunications company owned by the Government of Gibraltar. It owns and operates a data centre at Mount Pleasant where it hosts third party servers. The Respondent, GibFibre Ltd operates a public electronic communications network in Gibraltar and provides electronic communication services. GibFibre sought to provide electronic communication services to potential customers whose servers were hosted at the data centre. To that end, GibFibre approached Gibtelecom to enter into an agreement to give GibFibre access to the data centre, allowing it to connect directly with the servers of potential customers. However, Gibtelecom refused to negotiate access. GibFibre therefore approached the Appellant, the Gibraltar Regulatory Authority, as the regulator of the telecommunications industry in Gibraltar for assistance and intervention. While sympathetic to GibFibre’s complaint, the Authority ultimately concluded that it was not within its powers to compel Gibtelecom to grant GibFibre access. GibFibre appealed that decision to the Supreme Court of Gibraltar. The Supreme Court upheld the Authority’s decision, finding that the Authority did not have power to order access under the Access Directive. On appeal, the Court of Appeal for Gibraltar allowed GibFibre’s appeal finding that the Authority did have the requisite power under Article 5 of the Directive. The Authority now appeals to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council.
Date of issue
14 February 2020
Judgment details
Judgment date
29 November 2021
Neutral citation
[2021] UKPC 31
Judgment links
Hearing dates
Full hearing
Start date
6 October 2021
End date
7 October 2021
Watch hearings
6 October 2021 - Morning session
6 October 2021 - Afternoon session
7 October 2021 - Morning session
7 October 2021 - Afternoon session
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