Chief Fire Officer and another (Respondents) v Felix-Phillip and others (Appellants) (Trinidad and Tobago)
Case summary
Case ID
Trinidad and Tobago
Felix-Phillip and others
Chief Fire Officer
Public Service Commission
Did the Fire Service act unlawfully in passing over the Appellants for permanent promotion?
In 2008 the Chief Fire Officer of Trinidad and Tobago promoted a large number of fire officers to their next most senior rank by acting appointments "until further notice". However, when considering permanent promotions in 2009 and 2010 the Chief Fire Officer passed over most of these officers.38 fire officers sought judicial review of the Fire Service’s decision to pass them over for promotion. They made two arguments. First, their appointments were made "until further notice", i.e. indefinitely, and therefore should have been treated as permanent appointments. Second, the Fire Service’s points-based system for promotions was irrational, unfair and contrary to the Public Service Regulations which required it to give preference to those who had been appointed to the posts on merit on an acting basis.Madame Justice Charles accepted both these arguments, holding that the Fire Service had acted unlawfully in failing to promote the 38 officers. The Court of Appeal reversed her decision. The officers now appeal to the Privy Council.
Date of issue
18 March 2019
Judgment details
Judgment date
4 May 2020
Neutral citation
[2020] UKPC 12
Judgment links
Lord Kerr
Lord Wilson
Lord Carnwath
Lady Black
Lady Arden
Hearing dates
Start date
3 March 2020
End date
3 March 2020
Watch hearings
3 March 2020 - Morning session
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Last updated 9 May 2024